routing - MPLS vs Encrypted VPNs - traffic security

MPLS and VPLS Security - Black Hat Slide 11 MPLS VPNs (“Layer 3 VPNs“) MPLS-based technology [mainly RFCs 2547 & 2917] with it‘s own concepts and terminology. Comparable to Frame Relay/ATM in some respects. Highly ‘virtual‘ technology (shared infrastructure, separated routing). Additional (MPLS-) labels are used to establish logical paths/circuits for the traffic of single customers. Extranet Access :: Chapter 4. Secure MPLS VPN Designs MPLS provides the flexibility to link VPN sites in a number of ways. When several VPNs get access to a shared part of network infrastructure, this is called an extranet.Figure 4-9 shows one type of extranet: a shared services extranet.

May 05, 2019 · VPN tunnels operate at one or two of the OSI-defined Cmmunication Layers. This is usually either OSI Layer 2 or Layer 3. Layer 2 tunnels use PPTP and L2TP. This is the Frame Layer in which simple Ethernet frames are transported through the VPN. This also allows broadcast packets to pass across the VPN. MPLS VPNs also operate at this Layer.

The MPLS VPN is more secure than a regular Internet connection, it's basically like a virtual leased line. However it runs no encryption. So it is free from eavesdropping unless someone misconfigures the VPN but if you carry sensitive traffic it should still be encrypted. Security of the MPLS Architecture [MPLS] - Cisco Systems The various options are described above. If configured correctly, Internet access over MPLS can be offered in a secure manner. The same applies to various VPNs that are merged on the MPLS network. MPLS itself does not provide firewalling mechanisms, but an MPLS core can be engineered such that firewalls secure VPNs but allow connectivity.

How to Secure MPLS VPN ? - Cisco Community

Extranet Access :: Chapter 4. Secure MPLS VPN Designs MPLS provides the flexibility to link VPN sites in a number of ways. When several VPNs get access to a shared part of network infrastructure, this is called an extranet.Figure 4-9 shows one type of extranet: a shared services extranet. VPLS: A secure LAN cloud solution for some, not all VPLS (virtual private LAN service) is one of the most recent buzzwords to enter the service-provider acronym world, and some vendor marketing departments are touting it as the latest VPN panacea. Not surprisingly, some service providers believe the hype and are now offering VPLS in environments where it could do much more harm than good.